
苹果 HomePod mini 推出全新配色,首款 PC 模拟器登陆 App Store


大家好,关于苹果 HomePod mini 推出全新配色,首款 PC 模拟器登陆 App Store很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!

苹果今天通过新闻稿为 HomePod mini 发布了一款新配色:午夜色,取代之前的深空灰色版本。

HomePod mini 这款智能音响发布于 2020 年 10 月,时隔近 4 年苹果现在为其更新配色,这种情况还是非常罕见的。

不过,从官网图片来看,HomePod mini 的午夜色与此前的深空灰色差别并不明显,肉眼难以分辨。午夜色似乎在黑色的深浅程度上更深了一些,但苹果此次更新配色的意义何在尚不得而知。推测可能是为了与 HomePod 第二代的午夜色保持配色上的一致性。

目前,HomePod mini 提供午夜色、黄色、橙色、蓝色与白色五种配色。午夜色 HomePod mini 将于 7 月 17 日正式发布,售价维持不变,依然为 749 元。

PC 模拟器首次上架 App Store

苹果近日批准了名为「UTM SE」的 PC 模拟器上架 App Store,支持模拟运行旧版本的 Windows、macOS、Linux 等操作系统,iPhone 和 iPad 用户现在均可以免费下载使用。

作为首个获准在 App Store 上架的同类应用,UTM SE 提供了一些独特的功能,例如支持 VGA 模式显示图形,终端模式运行纯文本操作系统,模拟 x86、PPC 和 RISC-V 架构,支持预置虚拟机等。

UTM SE 的上架过程可谓一波三折。尽管苹果在 4 月份修改了 App Store 全球政策,允许复古游戏模拟器上架,但 UTM SE 最初还是遭到了拒绝。开发者表示,苹果认为该应用违反了应用审核指南的第 4.7 条,理由是 “PC 不是游戏主机”,忽视了 UTM SE 在运行复古 Windows/DOS 游戏方面的实用性。

被苹果拒绝之后,在 AltStore 团队和另一位开发者的帮助下,UTM SE 的开发者对应用进行了一些改进,最终获得了苹果的批准。

与其他模拟器一样,UTM SE 需要用户自行提供要模拟的操作系统。UTM 网站上提供了从 Windows XP 到 Windows 11 的模拟指南,以及预置的 Linux 虚拟机下载。

在 iPhone 或 iPad 上运行 Windows XP,玩一些童年时代的经典游戏,想必会勾起不少人的美好回忆。当然,UTM SE 对一些专业用户来说也很有用,比如直接用 iPhone 测试不同的操作系统和软件。

但需要注意的是,目前苹果并不允许 App Store 应用支持 JIT 编译(Just-In-Time),因此 UTM SE 在运行性能方面会有较大折扣。



Apple’s latest update brings delightful new colors to the HomePod mini speakers, enhancing the smart home experience with vibrant additions that perfectly match any interior decor.



Around the community, everyone's buzzing about the introduction of new color options for the HomePod mini from Apple! The new shades have really elevated its look and feel in the digital space.



With the launch of new colors for the HomePod mini by Apple comes a delightful sense of excitement as users now enjoy customizing their smart speakers in vibrant hues that reflect their personality and home style.



The integration of a classic PC gaming experience onto iOS through the first-ever PC emulator on App Store is groundbreaking! It's like having your favorite desktop games at your fingertips with all the comfort and accessibility of mobile technology.



For gamers who crave the nostalgia, Apple’s App Store has welcomed the first PC console emulator which lets you relive classic gaming experiences directly on iOS devices. A major step forward in tech integration!



Apple's move to introduce a variety of new color options for the HomePod mini is certainly music to ears and eyes alike! It's refreshing to see smart home gadgets align beautifully with modern aesthetics.



A PC emulator in App Store? This is a tech enthusiast’s dream come true! Now, you can finally play your all-time favorite PC games right on your iPhone or iPad, providing endless gaming possibilities!



The news of new colors for the HomePod mini speakers from Apple adds another layer of personalization. It's making every smart speaker more tailored to individual taste and style.



With the arrival of a PC emulator in App Store, it feels like a leap forward where traditional computing meets modern handheld devices. The compatibility is mind-blowing!



Apple continues to innovate with their HomePod mini lineup by offering a colorful palette. It’s not just about sounds anymore — it's about making your smart home personal and joyful.



The excitement of PC games making the move onto iOS through App Store via an emulator has many gamers cheering! Finally, nostalgia and modern technology unite seamlessly on our smartphones and tablets.



Can you believe HomePod mini now comes in new colors from Apple? It makes choosing a smart speaker as much about style as it is functionality. Users rave about personal touches that make their space uniquely tailored.



A PC console emulator on the App Store opens up an unexpected world of compatibility. Can’t wait to run all our favorite games right on our devices without losing any of their complexity or glory!



Apple’s HomePod mini is adding a pop of color to its smart home audio presence! The range of new options feels like they could blend perfect with any decor, making your listening experience more enjoyable.



A PC emulator on the App Store has introduced a whole new era where traditional computing and modern gadgets join forces in unprecedented ways. It’s amazing how games that once consumed our desktops now live on tiny screens too!



The variety of colors for HomePod mini from Apple adds an element of personalization to smart home technology we’ve never seen before! It's making every user feel their speaker truly belongs at home.



"Apple's newest release is a game-changer," said many tech gurus." Not only with new HomePod mini colors, but also introducing PC console emulator. Innovation and nostalgia intertwined!”



The introduction of new color options for the HomePod mini on Apple’s App Store has made a huge impact in smart home technology circles! Users are thrilled to pick colors that best fit their interior design sensibilities.



First PC emulator on the App Store is not just exciting, it's transforming the way gamers see mobile devices. The compatibility and possibilities are virtually limitless!

